Established in 2019, Paws Dog Planet was pioneered by Sagar Jindal who has been a pet parent for several years. The idea of Paws came into existence when Sagar was facing several issues of visiting different places for his pet requirement.
Being a young millennial, he thought of developing a place with all the pet requirements under one roof, and hence Paws Dogs Planet was born.
At Paws, we have your back for all your pet needs, from boarding to a fully-functional spa, to a pet cafe, pet shop, and a large playground their of lives with us.
Paws Dogs Planet is the home of overwhelming happiness in dogs. It’s your one-stop for all your pet’s needs where we have you covered with the perfect environment for the safe-keeping of your little friend.
The most passionate and loving care is given to your little companion here at Paws Dog Clinic, where they may delight in our fully-functional pet spa, playground, completely air-conditioned boarding, and pet cafe.
Boarding till now
Costumer visit
Air condition boarding, pet-friendly trained staff, luxurious Spa, playground, pet shop